Sunday, June 30, 2013

Be Still

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble . . . Be still, and KNOW THAT I AM GOD; . . .  the Lord Almighty is with us. ( Psalm 46)

This morning I am meditating on this scripture . . .  especially the BE STILL part. I definitely have trouble sometimes not just busying my self with task after task. I push myself throughout the day to accomplish whatever goal I have set, or whatever project I have before me. Even with adoption, there are SO many "to do's" on my never-ending list.

I know that the Lord has gifted me to be a "doer" and that often carries our family through . . . but, I am also learning to be a "listener" in this journey of faith.  Some days He says GET UP! Go out and sell donuts, go meet with people and tell them about the HUGE problem of orphans in the world today.  Other times, I hear him telling me to BE STILL and trust that HE IS GOD . . . He's got my back :) 

He sees and knows all that I have on my "to do" list. Even though all of the projects and goals may be "important" or "helpful" He says that it can wait. He says to SLOW DOWN . . . look around at the BLESSINGS . . . take a moment to BREATHE in the richness of this life I am LIVING NOW . . . enjoy TODAY!


  1. Love the way you tell your story....God Bless

  2. Well said! God will bless you and your family in so many ways during this journey. I am blessed to get to watch :)
