Saturday, December 8, 2012

2012 Dante Family Christmas Letter

This is my first time writing our annual family update letter on a blog . . . I feel so high tech :) The year 2012 marks a year of transitions for the Dante Family. In January, I was busy working on my portfolio for National Board teacher certification. It was also the month that we had our first experience being foster parents (see November post for more detailed story). February and March were the months we prayed about moving to a different house . . . and after looking at MANY different homes . . . realized we LOVE the home God blessed us with (in such a miraculous way), so we refinanced and re-worked our budget.  Lily graduated from 5th grade and Levi from kindergarten in May (so amazing how many graduations they have nowadays). June meant a month of lots of studying for my NB exams (lots of pool days for Phil and the kids).  Ahh! finally summer in July and August - we took a wonderful trip to Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois to visit our family and friends - a total BLAST! Lily started middle school this year and it has been a whirlwind of homework and activities ever since. Phil and I are amazed at how fast our little ones are becoming BIG ONES (physically, mentally and spiritually). I want to take the next couple of paragraphs to update you on each on of our kiddos.
Lily (11), Rose (10), Hope (8), and Levi (6)
Talk about transitions! Lily is morphing into a beautiful young lady. Like any adolescent girl, she has her "emotional" moments, but, overall Phil and I are overwhelmed with what God is doing in Lily's life. She is compassionate and sensitive. She does not choose the path of her peers. She seeks out the "lonely" and she is pursuing her personal Savior. This year marks a very special time for me with Lily, because, I finally get the joy of being a teacher and a mom (having Lily going to school WITH me). We have wonderful talks to and from school . . . my heart is so blessed to have this alone time with her. She is diligent in her studies, she loves to draw and sing, she is learning to sew and play volleyball, but, her biggest extracurricular commitment this year is F.C.A. (Fellowship of Christian Athletes), which is the school club I sponsor. She wants me to tell you all that her favorite thing about middle school is that because of the support of FCA, she feels free to tell her friends about Jesus and how much He loves them.


Rose is in fourth grade this year and so she is the BIG sister at the elementary school. She is VERY responsible about getting straight to her homework every day, but, as soon as she is finished she loves to tumble around the yard for hours (cartwheels, roundoffs, backbends, you name it). She has developed quite a sense of humor and has lots of fun entertaining Hope and Levi. Phil and I are thankful to see that she is just as committed to her morning reading and prayer time with Jesus, as she is with homework. We have never MADE her do this, but, she has chosen to grow in her relationship with Jesus each day. Rose recently joined the drama team at school and is excited about practicing her lines. Rose's teachers always love Rose because she is caring, smart, very neat and responsible!
Hope is in second grade this year and is one of the top readers in her class. Her teacher has told me that she is well liked by her classmates because she is always so sweet and serving. Hope continues to amaze us with her crazy accents (especially her "country" accent) and jokes. She and Levi are still best buddies, and they have added a bunch of neighborhood kids to their Backyard Gang (It's seriously like watching The Little Rascals every day after school). Hope loves to help cook and do crafts. She is always content to tagalong with Mommy or Daddy on errands . . . never a complainer. She has a very tender heart and she has begun praying for several of her friends at school. She and Levi played soccer together this Fall and Daddy was their coach :)
Levi is in first grade now and is growing up TOO FAST! :)  We all still call him our "little buddy," but, he is not a baby anymore. He does his homework every day with Daddy (and is getting much better at reading), then heads out to the back yard to scooter and play ball with a bunch of neighborhood kids.  As I mentioned before, he and Hope are very close and Phil and I love listening to them laughing and talking up in their room EVERY night after we have tucked them in.  The most amazing thing happened last month! Levi started asking Phil and I LOTS of questions about God and Jesus and "when can I ask Him into my heart?"  Phil and I felt like he was too young at first, but, realizing that the influence of his three older sisters had really caused a genuine longing in our little guy's heart, we helped him to Believe and Receive Jesus!  We are so excited for him.  Levi still loves to dance and has started drumming on a set in the garage. He loves to play any sport and hopes to start karate lessons soon. He is still my sweet snuggly boy and I'm so thankful he lets me hold him on my lap . . . the sweet moments of motherhood!

 These pictures were taken of our family in action .  . . doing one of our favorite things . . . sharing the Message of Hope with students at FCA!
My partner, my love . . . this year has been a stretching one for us. God has given us many opportunities to face new challenges this year . . . things we have never done before . . . foster parenting, parenting a tween, leading a middle school ministry, etc. In the process, we have had moments of refinement . . . both in our personal walk with the Lord and in our marriage relationship. But, in each challenge, we have LEANED in to the Lord and toward one another and He has been faithful to bring us through . . . growing our faith and our love for HIM and each other. This year we have prayed a LOT more for one another and as a team  . . . and it has been awesome! I am so proud and so thankful for the husband, father, spiritual leader, and best friend I have in Phil.  His passion for sharing God's Message of Hope is never ceasing. He serves our family daily with his serving attitude, his love, and his HUMOR!! Phil has joined Levi in drumming as a hobby this year, he loves playing basketball with a large group of guys at the YMCA. We are both excited to see what God has in store for us in 2013 . . . especially as we take some new steps of faith toward adoption.
Some photo collages taken by a friend  - Student Leadership Team in action at the school where I teach 7th grade science

God had done and continues to do SO much in our lives . . . it is difficult to document it all, but, I am excited to begin my journey as a "blogger" and do my best to share our hearts with you all as we continue on this journey. Please read my November Post to learn more about our pursuit of adoption. Also, please keep us all in your prayers and never hesitate to reach out to us for prayer as well. We love you all and hope you will be finding JOY in CHRIST first! He IS all that we need. Many Blessings to you,   Wren