Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Hearing the Call to Adopt

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress” James 1:27
Dear friends & family,
It has been awesome seeing all the posts on face book this month about what my friends are thankful for. It’s a great way to refocus on the important things in life.  Not sure if you knew this, but, November is also national adoption month. I woke up early this morning, unable to sleep because of all that is on my heart and mind. This month is very significant for me too . . . as it is the month that our family is applying for international adoption from Africa.
As my youngest child says, “It sure is a long way to Africa,” it has definitely been long and interesting way that God has brought us to this point. Shortly after Levi was born, Phil and I began praying about whether the Dante family was complete with a fourth child. Having had some minor physical struggles recovering from Levi’s birth, we started to open our hearts to the idea of adoption.
In the summer of 2008, Phil was blessed to lead a mission trip to Ghana and Liberia. It was a life changing experience to say the least. During his trip he was able to visit several orphanages and share the gospel. He returned with such passion and love for these people that he asked me to pray about moving to Africa for a two year assignment at African Bible College in Malawi. The Lord opened my heart to this plan and we pursued a position at the college for about seven months. At the last minute, God closed the door as the couple on assignment felt called to recommit to two more years.
It was disappointing at first, but, we felt a peace about the plans God was laying out for us here in South Carolina. Our hearts carved out a special place for orphans in Africa. We began sending extra tithes and offerings to the missionaries stationed in Liberia. We looked into adoption, but, feared that our income would not allow us to adopt internationally.
The heart of each person in our family was set on adoption, so in January 2010 Phil and I began the training and application process to adopt through DSS South Carolina. During the training, we learned more about the great need in the U.S. for foster parents. After much prayer, we agreed to try foster parenting, as well as, wait to be matched for an adoption.
One year later, in January 2011, a 3 year old little boy was placed in our care. In the six weeks he lived with us we saw our children pour out the love of Jesus onto this precious boy. It was confirmed that we definitely had room in our home and hearts for a new addition. Our joy was short lived as we had to say good-bye to Chance. The state returned him to an extended family member. I have to be blunt. . . it was horrible! My heart was broken. I will never forget the night we took him back. We were all in shock. At about 1 o’clock in the morning I could hear little Hope sitting in the stairwell crying. One by one, each of us joined her on that stairwell . . . until all six of us wept together in the dark.
I couldn’t understand why God let us all go through that. I was ready to throw in the towel on adopting. We closed our foster parent license and surrendered the idea of adopting to Him. We are still currently licensed to adopt through the state, but, because we have young children there have been no matches that fit our family in a safe way. I thought the idea of the Dante’s adopting was going to close completely, when, God starting speaking to me  . . . prompting me, over and over , throughout the past six months. I can’t tell you how many conversations I have ended up in that were about Africa and/or adoption. I can’t tell you how many times my heart jumps as I hear the news related to Africa, or a movie about orphans there.  While visiting Peoria this summer, I had long talks with a teacher friend of mine, who is taking the international adoption journey herself. The concern about finances was brought up, but, she reassured me, that if God was really calling us to adopt . . . He would provide.
I believe that God is calling my family to adopt a little boy from Africa. The only thing standing in our way is that we don’t have the extra money to pay for the fees. Please pray about coming alongside us . . . through prayer and possible financial support. We can’t save all the orphans in the world, but, together we can save one. That’s where it starts . . . one at a time.
My hope is that I will have the funds I need to do the first few steps by the end of this year. We will need approximately $5,000 to do this. Because my husband started an orphan assistance fund through our ministry, back in 2008, any donation to CLIFE will be tax deductible. Could you pray about helping us? If you are able to contribute any amount to CLIFE towards the Dante family adoption, you will receive a tax write off receipt. I will be starting a blog to share the steps of this journey, so, even if you can’t financially help right now, let me know if you would like to receive updates. I’m sure we will need a lot of prayer and encouragement. Just writing this letter to you is very humbling. I am really stepping out in faith that God has called us to do this, because, in my mind . . . it seems impossible! If you feel God prompting you to join our adopting support team, in any capacity, please let me know.
Love in Christ,  Wren
John 14:18 “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you (Jesus).” Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
(Dante Family Adoption)
1108 Market Street
Fort Mill, SC 29708

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