Saturday, July 20, 2013

Acceptance . . . Redemption . . . . Adoption

I can't believe there are only four full weeks of summer vacation left for this old middle school teacher . . . I've crossed over that halfway mark. Every summer has it's own unique family fun memories, but, this one is definitely a special milestone for all of us. This summer is our first season of working hard as a family in the pursuit of adoption. Rather than just kicking back and relaxing every day at the pool, we have spent quite a few days like the one pictured above or going door to door selling donuts. It may not sound very appealing, but, for some reason we are loving it!
I think part of my motivation comes from a book I've been reading this summer. It's called, "Kisses from Katie,"  and it's a true story about a 22 year old young woman whose mission trip to Uganda turns into a lifelong journey, including adopting 13 little girls. It's amazing! I don't know if I could ever do all that she has done in her short life (I'm twice her age), but, I am motivated and moved by her testimony.
In her book she shares her perspective about adoption and it really hit home . . . ADOPTION is a redemptive response to tragedy that happens in this broken world.  Adoption is a beautiful picture of REDEMPTION. It is the Gospel in my living room. And every single day, no matter how difficult, it is worth it because adoption is God's heart.
The first word that appears when I look adoption in the dictionary is ACCEPTANCE. God accepts us and adores us, just the way we are. In Ephesians it says that God "predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will." God sets the lonely in families . . . and our family is so excited for Him to do just that . . . we are anxious to Accept, Adore, and Love a new precious child.